Echeverría Ezponda, Javier - Jakiunde

Echeverría Ezponda, Javier

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Echeverría Ezponda, Javier

Javier Echeverria Ezponda (1948, Pamplona) is a researcher at the Basque Science Foundation (Ikerbasque), which forms part of the University of the Basque Country, UPV/EHU (Department of Sociology II), and university professor on leave of absence from the Spanish National Research Council's (CSIC) Institute of Philosophy.

His main areas of research have been the philosophy of science and technology; the ethics of science; the study of the relationships between science, technology and
society; and new information and communication technologies. He has concentrated on innovation studies since 2006.

Among his books published in recent years, the following are worthy of note: Telépolis (1994); Cosmopolitas Domésticos (1995); Telépolis y el Tercer Entorno (1999); Introducción a la Metodología de la Ciencia: la Filosofía de la Ciencia en el siglo XX (1999); Gobernar los riesgos: Ciencia y valores en la sociedad del riesgo (published in collaboration with J. L. Luján, 2004) and Ciencia del bien y el mal (2007), and La Luz de la Luciérnaga: Diálogos de Innovación Social (with Ander Gurrutxaga, 2012).

Javier Echeverria is a member of the International Academy of Philosophy of Science and vice-chairman of the Spanish Leibniz Society.

Javier Echeverria Ezponda has received the 1995 Anagram Essay Award, 1997 Euskadi Research Award in Humanities and Social Sciences, the 2000 National Essay Award (awarded by the Ministry of Culture for his work: Los Señores del Aire), and the Eusko Ikaskuntza-Laboral Kutxa Award (2016).


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