
Solasaldiak-Colloquia is a programme open to the general public in which experts from different disciplines meet at a round table to reflect on a central theme from their specific fields of knowledge. The public has the opportunity to participate in the debate following the colloquium.


Seudosinónimos: periferia y tradición, globalidad y progreso

Maite Apezteguía, Iciar Astiasarán, Teresa Catalán y María Iraburu, modera Nora Alonso

CIVICAN, Iruña-Pamplona


Consecuencias económicas de la transición demográfica

José Ignacio Conde Ruiz, Beatriz González López-Valcárcel, Luis Sanzo, Itziar Vergara, modera Juan Ignacio Pérez

San Telmo Museoa, Donostia/San Sebastián


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